
She runs an NPO, FemFreq. The fiscal figures are publicly available. Took home over three hundred grand after overhead. So, you tell me if that would make it worth your while.

FemFreq is an NPO, so they have to disclose their earnings. $441930 for the past year. Took home a tidy sum of $377730 after overhead. You tell me if that's small bananas.

"Doing good" is being quite generous to them. I don't anyone whether it's Ms. Penny or Anita Sarkeesian or Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck is doing all this because there's some greater good to be done. What it is, is that there is controversy to create and money to be made. And when eyeballs and attention is the currency

…except Laura Penny doesn't even, to my knowledge, run even tangent to such a topic…?

I'm sorry we couldn't be more civil.

Righteously ignorant? What am I ignorant of? I've heard enough about oppression theory and cultivation theory and all its requisite terminology. I have found when you look at actual data on things the theories themselves to be either unfalsifiable or woefully inadequate.

It is one degree of purity removed from psychology. The social sciences are applied psychology. Here is a helpful image: https://xkcd.com/435/

I have, as a matter of fact. Witnessed it firsthand. Thankful I steered clear of the "social sciences" and went with psychology. Also, elitist, much?

I'll believe you once I see outrage about things like "manspreading" stop being things.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I have no problem admitting I'm white and came from parents with post-collegiate degrees in a safe and nurturing community both at home and in school. That helped me. But I also grew up in a bi-racial Southern town where kids from terrible backgrounds thrived and overcame struggles

And their example teaches impressionable and, quite frankly, naive college students that THIS IS WHAT SOCIAL JUSTICE IS. Please.

I absolutely agree. But the paradoxical thing about political correctness is that it thrives on dividing people rather than uniting them. The white person has minus this social credibility, the black person has positive this much, the Asian has that much, there are bonus multipliers for being gay or trans…it's tiring,

I merely offered them up as people raking in hundreds of thousands per annum to "raise awareness," but I'm not aware of a single instance that anyone of their ilk or discipleship would actually go get their hands dirty and see what it's like to be in the positions or disadvantages they claim so passionately to speak

The next time you see Laura Penny or Anita Sarkeesian in a soup kitchen, make sure to text me.

The problem with college students is that they think what they learned in their Philosophy or Gender Studies or whatever 101 course has given them The Truth and this radical perspective on life that can instantly be applied like a salve to cure all of society's problems. If only everyone would be some Frankenstein of

I admit I was not as precise as I could have been there at the end. You don't have the right to bully them into not saying it is what I should have said. And, unfortunately, I've seen that happen all too often. We're human, and sometimes we say things we later regret. We make mistakes. But if you have any visibility

So to phrase this like they did at my fundamentalist Christian school: "You don't right the homosexual off because they're homosexual. You write them off because of their sinful behavior and then recognize that the aspect of depravity and blindness that accompanies their spiritual condition contributes to their

I just find the idea of writing someone off because they check different boxes than you on a census form to be intellectually lazy and uncharitable.

You characterized people who want to make certain kinds of jokes as people against political correctness. And I would say, yes, then they have a point. Because it seems you implied you don't want people to be able to tell certain kinds of joke or generally say certain things. And I'm against that. Say what you like.

I imagine if he was a young, bisexual, transgendered, black woman precisely zero of those adjectives would have made it into your invective.