
I felt pointing out the hypocrisy of the supposedly empathetic and tolerant PC left was a worthwhile observation. As for the rest of your post, I think there are a lot of presumptions you make about Jerry Seinfeld that overreach the material. I think it is worthwhile to combat the "P.C. police" because they are a real

Is there something wrong with a particularly good black joke or gay joke? Or do you not like The Boondocks either?

They're not Marxists. I don't even see how economics would even come up on this site. Just comfortable situated in cultural far-left politics. Being able to distinguish between economic and cultural ideology and policy is an important distinction to make.

Name calling is the best way to build up goodwill as a voice of enlightened, progressive reason that values logic and empathy. Never change, nonorientable.

AVClub is an excellent read when they're talking about shows, music, movies, and the like. But on cultural issues, they pretty much unthinkingly toe the current, "hip" far-left line and dress it up as insightful snark.

"Clarion call of the dumbass." Excellent rebuttal, good sir. Calling people names has truly elevated this discussion and proven that empathy and insight truly is the mark of an enlightened, progressive mind.

I try (not always successful, but I like to think at least most of the time) to be kind and articulate in an online discussion, or at the very least merely terse. But I think you're looking the wrong way on this one. The people really saying "hateful things" are not just trolls and douchebags and immature kids—there

Why do you presume that? Did you say in kindergarten that your classmates who didn't like tattletales were automatically troublemakers? Or accuse people who call out the NSA and CIA of having something to hide?

I think it's disingenuous to write that this season has been "turning off a lot of viewers." Comparatively, to the entire watching population, I don't think the rabid and vocal minority that clogs up Twitter and Tumblr represent the "uproar" your verbiage implies. Hand-wringers have always been around for every show

On Her Majesty's Heated Carseats

Wait, a little more, "To Serve Manicotti, the Baker's Guide."

Why isn't this a "Great Job, Internet!"?

Oh, we're going to hate on Martyrs now? That's simply not fair—Martyrs is a fantastic horror movie. It's ruthless, unforgiving, and—in the third act—very difficult to watch. It's a film that asks you to participate in the suffering of its characters rather than merely be made uncomfortable by it. The ending is