FWIW I have a kid & I hate those moms, too.
FWIW I have a kid & I hate those moms, too.
Disagree. People will actually mean it when they say, “Yes, I’d love to see your wedding photos.”
If your middle initial is “F” they may just be fucking with you?
We used to live across the street from a dog called Dr. Awesome Dog Name (also changed to avoid doxxing.) So when we adopted our girl she became Dame EvenCooler DogName.
My 6 y.o. loves it. Which probably proves your point.
DON’T DATE GUITAR PLAYERS THEY ARE BAD FOR YOU. Unless that’s what you’re looking for - in that case, no judgement.
This is amazing - I could never attempt that because I am way too clumsy. I also really hope she did the Grover voice & the clompy shoes too?
Starred because I really hope that is your cat’s actual name.
My friend was the casting associate on this show - she worked on it as a pilot & for the entire run of the show. I had this same conversation with her, “I know Louie Anderson is amazing in the role, but thank god nobody thought to cast an older woman in a high-profile role!” She offered to show me the list of…
Cheers from another person who knows where McMinnville is! (My in-laws are there.)
Whack him a few times with the targets they use in martial arts classes - those things make a very satisfying, very loud noise.
Atta girl ;)
SAG is a fucking toothless union. Because technically it’s a guild, run by members - actors, not a mean-ass shark of a lawyer who would sell his grandma for a nickel. That’s why we never make any real progress.
Thank you.
That crap is rampant here! My boss fancies herself a Feminist Thought Leader* while she cycles through personal assistants like Kleenex, and expects her employees to work at a loss spreading the message of The Feminine.
10/10 would watch repeatedly
My mom was walking (with a monitor) the morning after having a brain tumor removed. She was just re-hospitalized for complications, and one of the main factors that the medical team focused on was “get her walking.” FFS, man. Sue them all into oblivion.
Arcadia, CA?
IIRC her diploma is from being home-schooled. The level of arrogance & delusion is astonishing.
I think it was originally a smug response to the idea of a helicopter mom? With “tiger” being a metaphor for her culture of origin? Whatever her reason she’s clearly a garbage human. And the photo above just says “Ivy League Aunt Becky & daughters” to me.