
So you're saying this movie has problems because it's racist … but it took place in Medieval England, a time when people actually would be racist toward a black person, right? By that rationale, a movie taking place in the south during the Civil War, etc., shouldn't have any racism in it either?
And then you're saying

Loved this album then and still love it now. Criticism in 1998 was mainly: "No rock guitars. SUCKS." Not fair. A very pretty but darkly mysterious album. I think they called it at the time, "Arcane night music."
I generally don't get why people hate Billy Corgan so much anyway. He's a perfectionist, but why does that

I've seen the tracklist - indeed the Puffy remix is on there. I've been curious about it myself.

Yeah… this album was/is pretty good.

Actually, mono mixes do have a different character to them. I believe they're releasing the mono mix on CD since the original vinyl released in '98 was mono.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't get why any of those lyrics are so bad… Angsty, sure. But surely not the worst out there.