
One of the big ones. Like a dictionary in a language professor’s office.

You left out the part where the statue came alive, went on a hunt for its missing finger and killed the guy who stole it by jamming a spear from anus to mouth.

Let me take a shot at this:

Yeah, good luck with that. 


This party totally sucked until Kristin Scott Thomas showed up and brought Cards Against Humanity with her.

Dubai is known for being a billionaire’s playground and nothing else. The only reference it could serve as in a movie would be a “the 1 percent are evil” metaphor.

Eet ees like...{waves cigarette lazily in the air}. You Amaireekans wood not undairstand. {stares out at Paris traffic}. You have no, how you say? Culchair. {takes deep draw off cigarette, blows it right on your lunch}

Yes that was exactly the point. I’m 45 and desperately need to convince everyone (myself) that I am still cool as shit and never fondly reminisce about the crappy hair bands that I would blare out my ‘85 Ford Taurus windows until the tape wore out. Now, I constantly listen to Spotify’s discovery playlist and love a

And relevant. Don’t forget relevant.

You’re still missing the point.

They also released a study concluding that if you read this article and then immediately toss out their data to insist that, no, actually you stream new music all the time because you are a very knowledgeable music person, you are missing the point entirely to be insufferable.

I’ve always been intrigued by LGB people who are out and pursue employment with, say, a Catholic school or any kind of religious entity.

If this podcast reached Wellesian levels of creative completeness, or was anywhere near the first of its kind as Welles’ radio show, that would be a fully valid comment. I don’t think The Polybius Conspiracy comes close to either benchmark.

Solution: Incorporate it into the biathlon. Let’s see how well you can play Overwatch after cross-country skiing.

Yeah, I find this statement about Morgan’s episodes only being the ones worth watching as something that people are saying because they think it makes them sound smart about the show, when it isn’t. Morgan’s episodes are clever and funny, but they aren’t the only ones worth watching - in season 10, “Home Again” was

Skinner originally seemed like the guy whose job it was to put the lid on Mulder, but the longer he was Mulder’s boss the more sympathetic Skinner was to his quest - while at the same time trying to keep his section of the FBI running fairly smoothly!

He was a much more interesting character, honestly, because unlike

I was a kid in the ‘90s, and the way we thought about war (specifically WWII) is way different than the way we think about it now. The history felt deeper somehow. Or maybe I’m just of a generation that was raised on someone else’s (the Boomers) nostalgia? War imagery isn’t as powerful to me as it used to be.

Man, there are a lot of contrarian dipshits commenting on this.