
That selfie bit was legitimately one of the funniest authentic superhero moments I’ve seen. Sure, there have been a lot of fantastic funny moments in comic book shows and movies, but something about a criminal going, “hey, before you knock me unconscious, can I take a selfie with you?” seems incredibly genuine, and

I hope they keep having laugh out loud moments on the show. Last week it was the Jefferson-Khalil shower talk, this week it was 2-Bits asking for a selfie with Black Lightning.

It’s nice to see, from that still, that the dead character’s college friends are so cairn.

You’d think that, but it’s actually the Mengele effect.

You could also see her jumping into the dinghy and immediately flipping overboard. Drunk/high, at night, in Catalina water in late November? She’d freeze up almost immediately.

Hopped up on goofballs...

She was on the marihuana?

Did someone say, nudity?

You are right. I’m going to take some time away to think and reflect on this experience and what I’ve learned from it. Follow my progress on my Instagram. #blessed

I looked this up you bastard! The January Cannon is WAY too cool a name to NOT be a Finnish metal band.

Arguably you won the game, in that case.

Repeat: there are two Godfather films and three Indiana Jones films.

Who wins the Game of Thrones? The Aristocrats!

GRRM has always drawn on real-world history for inspiration, but there’s no way he’d rip off World War One that directly.

They find out the Night King’s real weakness was love all along, and he agrees to stop his war against the living once someone gives him a great big hug.

[Agents of Security Commissar BRONN bundle him away for reeducation.]

*gets* to

Somebody has to fuck a dragon.

It is very important to point out Lois was the sister of Beetle Bailey, so anything that happened in the Hi and Loisverse is canon to the Baileyverse as well. Of course we’ll see how much of this remains intact when Zack Snyder’s Bailey movie comes out in 2021.