$75 worth lasts you a lifetime if you pound them fast enough.
$75 worth lasts you a lifetime if you pound them fast enough.
And what with Twin Peaks returning to our screens, I seem to recall that Tonto was played by Deputy Hawk his own badself, Michael Horse.
Lance Hemorrhoid: Agent of P.O.L.Y.P.
I'm on the right … but as a right-winger who's anti-Trump I'm rather dependent, right now, on a left that can wisely pick its battles, keep its eyes on a long-term strategy, and not try to compete with Trump in the self-beclowning sweepstakes. So far, things aren't looking great in those departments.
I'm terrified of heights, okay? Don't judge me.
Evil monkey is definitely Merlin's Shop.
And kids come running for the rich taste of sampo.
I'd heard it all from Jaye P. Morgan. Three's Company didn't faze me.
And that became unfashionable just as I was hitting @%$*ing puberty [reaches for the liquor].
TV is a lot more interesting if you assume that every role Jeffrey Tambor's ever played is the same character, at different points in life.
In the 1860s, my family called Moxie "secession gin."
Give me a break. If I never punched down, my native manservant would start smarting off.
[pitch pipe]
Through the holes in the poles we will flee
Sailin' down to the lovely central sea
Leave the warfare and the madness
For a land of joy and gladness
Beneath the Hollow Earth we shall be free!
So … the giant robots are just supporting characters?
"I'm saying … I'll call you a cuck if you stay."
Looks like that first guy's teleporter had a Franklin Mint knickknack in it.
Try to remember the month of September/
You can't; we roofied your Mello Yello
I'm torn about what seems to be this growing "three seasons/series and out" consensus. On the one hand, it keeps the show from falling into certain ruts, gives each particular Doctor a clear-cut arc, and helps reassure the actor that the role won't be a millstone.
Yeah, C. Baker himself was not what was wrong with #6's tenure.