
Forget it, MrTusks. It's Flavortown.

Well, in most shows it'd be tough not to assume a proverbial heel-turn is coming … but SU is a show that's worked hard to subvert our more cynical expectations. It often rewards the viewer for adopting some of Steven's own sunniness about its characters' possibilities. As a result, what would be almost inevitable on

Ah, Urban Outfitters … a.k.a., "Cracker Barrel for would-be hipsters."

I've actually heard of four of these acts. We sure Pitchfork is running this thing?

It's so embarrassing when you start typing "spanked by Charisma Carpenter," and the field auto-completes.

Well … by the standards of when I bought my laptop, yeah.

Any word about a discount on Civ VI's processing requirements?

If I'm reading that map correctly, the Iranians seem to be calling a verbal airstrike on their own troops.

Tantric cinema … freaky.

I'll take that bet. Sara's no quitter.

Having been mainlining Futurama, I was privately betting that Nate would get told Amaya is his grandmother.

That's true enough. I think there was a hard ceiling to how good the character could potentially be, as written … but in Clare Kramer's defense, she did everything in her power to hit that ceiling. The character could have been so much worse or duller in different hands.

I thought the whole thrust of this Wednesday thing was to demonstrate that women's contributions are crucial and would be missed. But if this bookstore stunt had any point at all, it would seem to be trying to imply the contrary. Shoddy messaging, folks.

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita,
Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
Ché la diretta via era smarrita.
E cominciarono gli omicidi allora.


Jan Axel Blomberg, the drummer: doodily-doo, ding-dong doodily, doodily doo.

Okay, I'm gonna say it: The '97 movie wasn't half bad.

Disappointed to see that Shaved Grannies (of MXC fame) didn't make it.

Ben Sasse comes to mind. As does Mike Lee.

Is it okay to a) suspect that Trump is a douchey lout who isn't above dropping a racial slur or engaging in discrimination as a real-estate mogul, AND b) auto-dismiss a news story that has no stronger basis than "a relative of a dude Don Cheadle knows heard…"?