
Hey, some of us never claimed to like the place.

[checks] Well, one out of two ain't bad.


There's being "terrified" … and then there's forthrightly acknowledging an enemy as an enemy, and owning the implications.

"Your leper will have to stay outside."

Like Crash, it was a massively po-faced movie whose solemnity got mistaken for seriousness, but couldn't be mistaken for serious indefinitely. In both cases, though, people saw through it barely too late to keep it from nabbing a Best Picture award. In both cases, understandably, this inspired a particularly painful

Maybe now he can make time for At the Mountains of Madness … unless he's let it percolate so long that the rights have lapsed.

Those recipes just aren't the same without the Union-soldier meat.

I belong to the former group (though am socially conservative to boot), and plenty of NR staffers & other never-Trump conservatives have been shaming CPAC ever since Milo appeared on their dance card … loudly and eloquently.

I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to TV suspension of disbelief, and it takes something to get me to take notice of a thing like that. I'm with A.N.

I've had a crush on Blair Brown ever since Continental Divide … but there is NO WAY her character is from anywhere near Charlotte. Yet again, a bunch of showrunners decide that one Southern dialect can convincingly sub for all of them (not that Brown's flatlands-South accent is anything but stagily overripe).

To be fair to the show, Piper no longer feels like the protagonist, whether the actress's name comes first in the credits or not. Rightly, she's become just one more player in a strong, pluricentric ensemble.

I'm very sorry to hear it, and wish you all the best. I was a grown man when I lost my mother and later my father; and sure, it would've been rougher had I been a child. But you're never ready for such a thing, and it's always a uniquely painful experience where there's no point comparing it to what other folks might

I miss mine too. Best wishes; I hope the bad moments become rarer and … well, as dealable as such things ever really get.

Lord rest you, gospodin Koloff … and may Gordon Solie announce your big entrance through the Pearly Gates.

Way ahead of you on the "not watching a Victor Salva movie," chief. (Though I could probably say the same even if he hadn't molested anybody.)

I can't imagine the time I could've wasted if my school years hadn't been pre-desktop computers. (Okay, probably the exact same amount … but it would've been much easier to waste.)

Hm—the strength of five gorillas … and X-ray vision!

Mainly because Taming of the Shrew is a wonderful Shakespeare play, and All's Well That Ends Well is mediocre at best (though Parolles is an amusing fraud, and the abjectness of his eventual exposure is memorably chilling). If anyone felt strongly motivated to stage AWTEW in the first place, then you'd see more

I voted for Clinton in November, and haven't much good to say about the current administration, other than a tiny handful of solid nominations. On the other hand, I'm an old-fashioned Buckley conservative who's an "ally" only to quality scotch, and who, by default, dislikes anything Sir William Gilbert disliked