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Doesn’t matter what situation you find yourself in — This short video is sage advice:

I love finding reading these, because it gives me an opportunity to make something fun, and builds my repertoire whenever I have to mix cocktails on the fly at family get-togethers! But one thing I’ve always wondered is about garnishing 3-ingredient cocktails? What would you recommend for this one?

I’m not sure about stock, but I have had some South East Asian soups that would shred it to make meat-flavored noodles. Damn I love Singapore street food!

In my years in the field, I’ve learned that the answer is invariably “no” to every application, *but* there are plenty of open source libraries and applications that get you *close*, which helps accelerate your development. Even in the rare cases that you do find a library that supports exactly what you need, there’s

When visiting Washington, D.C. or Arlington/VA (depending on which side of the river you’re on), just get a hotel a block or so from the Metro. Seriously, there’s no need to drive while you’re there, and further, no need to keep racking up parking fees.

Blargh, I tried to type it out on my phone, and I see now that the second paragraph is very incoherent! Please accept my apologies on that, and allow me to clarify while it’s still “Pending Approval”.

That’s fine :-) If I had a nickle for every time I sneezed and no one said “Bless you,” I’d be a very wealthy man! I’ve never thought anyone to be rude in doing that — In fact, I used to work in an office where I was the only one who would say “Bless you!”

Many can argue that the aim of every organized religion is conversion. But *I* as an individual am not an organized religion, rather a participant. Frankly, the idea that wishing someone well based upon my beliefs carrying the expectation that they convert is rather strange to me. Recently, I was wished *Ramadan

I am aware of these incidences, and frankly it makes me sad. I personally don’t care if someone opens an activity with a prayer with a credence different (hell, even contrary) to my own as long as it is benevolent, without connotation of destruction or inferiority.

If you sincerely meant praise for the King of the Roman Gods, then of course not. If you intend it to play a mockery of my beliefs and customs, then I will only be annoyed for the brief moment before I remember how pathetic and hypocritical you act.

That is exactly my point in what’s really wrong with this mentality. When someone wishes me “May the blessings of the Earth Mother be upon you,” they’re not imposing a custom on me: they’re extending their benevolence in what is customary to themselves. I, personally, am thankful eventhough I do not believe in such an

I’m usually very middle-ground in my opinions regarding society, but this is one of those cases where I ask, “Why should the sneezing person care whether or not someone says ‘bless you?’” Most folks know if someone is having a sneezing fit, wait for a few moments for it to subside and extend the blessing. Likewise

Excellent points. For myself, I am a software engineer by trade. *Every* job I’ve ever interviewed for invariably has asked me at some point, “So, where’s your GitHub and/or Bitbucket profile? We want to see your work!” Having a portfolio to show off does help... but at a cost.

LPT: The “yucky” prep stuff still exists. Buy some Country Time Lemonade mix and mix some with that. It helps A LOT!

Allow me a moment to set the stage... When I finished high school, I purposefully went to a nearby college so that I could live at home with my family and continue to contribute my income. About 18mo in, I dropped out because my father was extremely ill and I had to start signing his surgical releases (my mother, also

Try a Dwarf Schefflera bonsai tree. It doesn't flower or generate spores, and works wonderfully in fluorescent light. Just remember to keep the leaves trimmed and trim the roots once a year (only get the big ones), and you'll both do quite fine!

Moorestown, NJ

I'm not going to say either is better (yea, I know, defeats the purpose of a flame war), but I will attest to this. Most banks by default do not prevent account holders from over-drawing their accounts with their debit cards. You can, however, go to the bank, speak to a representative, and request that they decline

@andrew11 I think they're twisting the wires under the board.