
You just described my father.  Thank you...been looking for the words.  This is stolen.

Ugh, that both sucks and blows. I’ll never understand parents who do this, because not only are you wrecking your relationship with your kid, on a more cynical level, you’re also sabotaging any tangential fame or notoriety that you get from your kid’s success. And then later on, they have the audacity to wonder why

The something deeper is the fact that, however ‘accepting’ of Blacks that whites might think they are, it’s really only when they can feel superior. Or when the Blacks are invested in getting along or observing good manners. When Blacks refuse to hide their bright lights, respond in kind or simply take their toys and

...yeah, I could have phrased that better.

“LOL We need better trolls on the Root.

Bernie’s response was lacking, but it’s true. How is it any different from what Black parents tell their black boys? Cause the fact is if you give an officer any reason ( or no reason at all in some cases) they will beat you and/or kill you. The second half of his answer was what I had more problem with, because he

True. This article is trash and bait at the same time. Sure, shit on the only candidate that has fought his whole life for working people no matte what color. It’s frustrating cause I love The Root and it’s writers but this site willfully plays into the racial divide line that gives all those old white jaggoffs starch

Their plan shave been explained millions of times. Good luck with the Klobuchar “better things aren’t possible” strategy.

How is dropping actual legislation not explaining his plan?

Where did I say all white people are my enemy? This is breaking news to me. 

Jesus, what the fuck were these letters for this week? A competition to display how far a white man is able to shove his head up his digestive system?

Also, liking Black genitals does not mean you like Black people. Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers loved raping Black women and they were about as racist as you can get.

Its the symbol of, “I’m totally just sitting here at my keyboard laughing”.

I also want to point out that ive been in inter-racial relationships for almost a decade now

Re that last guy: Lets not forget that a huge chunk of American businesses would implode if you took black prison labor out of the equation too. That is slavery under a different name, and it is why the power structures of America work so hard to put so many black people in prison for so long. America was just built

Yep. The whole point of engineers is to build shit that doesn’t get fucked up by mother nature. If shit gets built that gets fucked up by mother nature, it means your city managers hired incompetent engineers, or your city managers didn’t listen to competent engineers. Either way the local politicians need to be

This happens in Atlanta all the time. Fulton County has decided it’s cheaper to just pay fines to the EPA than upgrade the sewer treatment system.

The corporations  who are now “people”, you see! (and coincidentally, the “people” who are also 100 fucking percent responsible for this).

“As to how the spill occurred, Bincsik points the finger at Mother Nature.”