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    Given this next wave of Marvel swerves you should probably expect a fake secret invasion. 1 Skrull framed for something followed by invasion hysteria that never goes anywhere but works as a device for the next generic baddie.

    The only problem with this is all the quotes from Marvel re: how clever they think this is, to return Spider-Man to pseudo-enemy status after centering him as a HUGE hero, the next Iron Man, to start this same damn movie. Logically this swerve wouldn’t last 2 news cycles but in this case the new paradigm is to

    as requested by invading Skrull General Zod?

    Ridiculous as a gaudy, fishbowl-wearing magician from another dimension sounded on paper, it very well could have been the kind of strange pivot into the future Marvel decided on for its films.

    Supergirl’s bangs should be the new Clark Kent’s glasses, the inverse. Supergirl has bangs, Kara doesn’t there fore they can’t be the same person.

    I was trying to figure it out... is it because this will be the 2nd Spider-Man ‘3'? that was my guess.

    So by baggage you’re referring to the writers of these movies? The ones who turned Tony Stark into Uncle Ben...

    The Fury twist was definitely telegraphed. The first clip with him and Beck was the first time I was suspicious. this is Mysterio, why is any of this “real”? They def did more with his speech to give it away. I only noticed one of the villain staff in the scenes and it was in Venice. “That guy in the hat sticks out

    Hurt my eyes from rolling them when the reveal occurred in Far From Home. ANOTHER fired/jilted Stark mirror?! “We aren’t making any more Iron Man movies so we’re free to use their villains!”

    same reason he said the border patrol agent spoke really good English. He wasn’t white.

    Exactly. I think plenty of fans saw it once. Settled in with it, read the follow up commentary but never saw it again. This at least tempts me to see it again.

    My wife walked down the aisle at our wedding to the Jurassic Park theme. Beautiful. Not this exact version though.

    A Snyder cut doesn’t change his direction toward his actors and their performances. He has consistently gotten Superman wrong. Affleck’s talents were wasted as Bruce Wayne. So i don’t see why there would be hope for MORE from him.

    Is it? Some rewrites, maybe. Chastain has talked about how her character is nothing like what was pitched and seemed to change every few weeks. Spending hours every day rewriting is not normal.

    Its basically what Marvel did with Spiderman, no? You either give him room to improve at Batman or you end up with TV-writer type terrible decisions for the sake of powering him down. With a trilogy planned, its going to be the former.

    Happened to catch this live. Nat’s announcer ‘FP’ even said it when Martinez left the dugout: He wasn’t coming out to get Max. He never signaled to a reliever. He was getting him fired up at the prospect of coming out AND giving Max a few moments of rest before this last batter.

    87.5% its Josh Gad.

    This ‘joke’ should be right behind the plot point in terms of retirement.

    Problem with that is, thats when the soul gets tortured. Artists tend to want to show that versus the evenly humming along hero-result of said torture. Even as we skipped Uncle Ben with this new Spider-Man the first thing they did was establish a new father figure and kill him off/make the next movie about Peter dealin

    Affleck’s Batman was fine, very good at times.  His Bruce Wayne was garbage. Much of that is on Snyder’s version of him though.