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    When she blew up they made the wrong choice. they made her the area between Magneto and Xavier that needed to be swayed this way and that, The Center. She could have been the biggest baddest adversary to them all, not as just an assassin but as the worst of the worst (especially after reading through Trask’s files on

    I think this is one of the problems baked into the “who am I really?” story they’ve started with. most of what we’ve seen is Kree robot weapon VERS with little personality. Carol that I know from animated adaptations is more of the pilot we saw glimpses of, much more personality because she knows her power plus the

    Correct. Air Force pilots are more experimental air craft and long long runways in the desert. Navy are the guys and gals landing on a postage stamp.

    Right. I had problems with Last Jedi, less so after the 2nd viewing but my issues were never the issues that certain “fans” brought up. So it feels ickier to voice my issues because that sorta puts me in their camp in a way and thats not the point, but still. they suck.

    Hasn’t Jamie already broken good, riding toward Winterfel after Cersei said they wouldn’t risk their army??

    These make me giggle every time. Just the right amount of Hancock, “whoopsy daisy”. Excited to see how they pull it all together.

    Not good news for the opening weekend and star power but could very well be a good thing for the new ensemble cast. WB would much prefer to have him while Gunn prefers an even fresher start with less story suck (and lower cost of cast).

    Would love to say this is groundbreaking but we already have several instances of it... Rhodes is Stark’s sidekick of color. Cap has Sam Wilson and he had Bucky before that. Clint and Natasha have it.

    yes. She said so on Colbert.

    Putting the drag back in Dragon? Amazed that you could reply twice without using “well actually” but still living and breathing it like you moderated every debate of the time. Have a great Friday on the internet MD.

    Ultron was after Coulson had been un-fridged for television. So THE death was completely undone, not that Joss would acknowledge it at all. Again, he didn’t acknowledge other MCU movies other than his own.

    Could be but I seem to remember that time frame after Coulson was un-fridged for TV in AoS. Wasn’t Joss like, “No he’s dead” bt also pissed he wasn’t dead. Then there were tons of rumors about which Avenger dies in AoU, (mostly Hawkeye) in part because they had to show actual hero-stakes. The spotlight was on then. So

    Yeah the Quicksilver death was very much Whedon’s reaction to fans pointing out the plot armor of damn near everyone in his movies. OK, someone’s not making it out alive.

    IDK, Whedon has confessed to his share of lazy in Avengers too. Why do the Chitauri all die when the hole closes/bomb hits? “Because we needed it to be over.”

    Jumping in only to agree. I remember the original discussions about whether Marvel movies would acknowledge Agents of Shield only to point out that Whedon isn’t even acknowledging any other MCU movies in AoU!

    Thats not how it was used. It was used to validate him quickly so we could move on to the bang bang. I kinda agree with the jokes about an elevator lifting it. Does that make the elevator worthy?! I remember thinking “were they trying to point out a hole in their previous justification?” when they used that bit.

    Did not care for the CGi action in GOTG2. That final boss fight was basically Zod-Supes just on a different planet but the same about of dust and smoke blurs with a side of daddy issues but hey the foreshadowing of “he killed my mom” for Civil War was nice.

    They’ve said they’ll do just that. Rebound from the biggest threat ever with smaller more personal stories that are self contained without much crossover. I’ll believe the less crossover piece when I see it. But yeah they have to start over with the granular to give everyone a chance to be somewhat normal, bring back e

    I don’t think the general public has a good idea who Mysterio is. They can get away with that, for now.

    Always possible. With a story centered around the introduction of shape shifters it gets even murkier. I really hope the ‘mystery’ behind it turns out to be a game Marvel Films decided to play with hardcore fans while leaving Mar Vell completely out of Carol’s story.