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    “Guy who will grow up to be the villain in Venom”.

    For all but 2 years of my life I would have agreed with you. I feel bad seeing animals in outfits. And then two things happened. One, we met a dog at an adoption event that was wearing a costume. The volunteer explained how she is very shy, until she’s wearing something. Then her personality comes out. OK,

    Xbox and DCU channels.

    Affleck’s Batman was legit. His Bruce Wayne was all kinds of ‘please don’t’. BvJ was just on again and I caught the training sequence into doughy Ben making his kryptonite arrow with GRIM FACE.

    It was on TNT last night. I watched through the first surgery scene where he is listening to music and playing name that tune, through when he is operating but the guy’s watch is too loud. Only thought? Pick one. then a nostalgia track came on, Guardians cue, and I just couldn’t. Only saving grace is the dormomu

    I thought they did a good job of “Of course he didn’t tell me” right into “to be fair, we jailed them when we heard them out”. They’ve done a good job of threading pieces of their respective seasons into the crossover so this was Arrow’s. Yes we’ll change and evolve but I’ll always love you so we can turn down that

    OK, resetting to the new normal. Makes sense even if the exposition is heavy handed.

    Oddly this did nothing for me. More of RDJ acting against himself. A shit ton of THIS IS DRAMATIC music that is better suited for a DC film. Shots of people staring at each other. Teasers are under a minute not 2:26.

    Last night served as a good reset before the break. The new normal is Oliver hurting after 7 months in prison. Felicity newly Bronson’d after 7 months of living in fear 27/7. Diggle and Lila as Team ARGUS. Rene the voice of the community. Dinah/Laurel handling Justice. Seriously they ARE Law and Order now. Bum Bum.

    I think its starts with Oliver and Barry body swap episode. We don’t get the intro of 90s Flash until later but its happening.

    ah yes, Annette Benning cast as Expensive Exposition. See former examples: Kurt Russell, Robert Redford, Tommy Lee Jones, et al.

    They can use the name and reference whatever they want. That chewy.com exists doesn’t mean they control use of the word in all forms.

    So... how are non DC Universe subscribers watching this show? Would love to know and watch, but you know.

    Nowadays sequel means telling a similar story with similar but beats so its part nostalgia part new details... but often it doesn’t feel all that new.

    By now this should absolutely be brought up by Ralph as a throw away line, like how he was figuring out the time travel early on this season. And since they are going back in time next episode that would have been the place for it. Then just have the cast on hand say “Not now Ralph” as he does a full over Mr Roper

    He’s gonna do a space jump.

    Hanks: I’ll do your movie.

    Bits of fault all over, but agree that he wanted to change the way the Tags were handled and did so at least for himself. Few players will do what he did but even knowing there’s an option, that the Franchise offer doesn’t have to be enough, changes the landscape a bit. Until now it was jut assumed you get it, you

    I traded FOR him a few games into the season. Luckily, didn’t actually give away anything (Flacco and Ekeler for him and Russell Wilson). Then this past week I put out feelers and one guy, bless his heart, offered Deshaun Watson for him.

    I put nothing past them, for sure. I think this will be different though. He has no fan-backlash reason for not signing him. He had a labor dispute with his team. Nothing new in the NFL. Chicago wasn’t scared off of paying Mack. The first thing they would do is pay him and assuage that problem. After that? He’s a Pro