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    I admit I’m hitting the same ugh point in Spider-Man as I did with Batman “Clearing the site of baddies”. this just means surviving waves of bad guys who somehow hurt Spiderman with punches. Just want to continue the main story but the game is all “Hey, you started this you can’t awlk away”. Exact same thing happened

    Pretty sure I read their Washington Wizards site. And its not terrible, slideshows aside. Wiz of Awes

    Oh, did I?

    Had nothing to do with watching OH State or not. Nothing that specific. It was just about her cutting off football entirely right before ESPN went all football all the time for nearly 3 months.

    ESPN has at least 3 shows where a running gag is showing someone so the host or co-host can say “Wow, they’re still in the league/association/play where now?” Their willful ignorance of the sports they cover is literally baked into the shows.

    Investigators don’t believe Meyer or his wife’s stories that they never communicated about this in 2015. Thus they believe they are deceiving the investigators.

    Say huh? Who did an OK job?

    “Check or-”

    USD will take him back.

    Every one read like he’s the guy you’re nice to at work cuz he’s the most likely to come in one day hoping to kill people.

    I Object! Best comedy is the truth.

    Harper isn’t going to sign anything now. Not how Boras works. But because the Lerners and Boras have done so many deals over the years they feel that they can sign Harper, eventually. Now that changes if Harper refuses a deferred deal similar to the one Boras got for Scherzer and Strasburg. Some have speculated the

    Its essentially what Pruitt and his developer buddies were doing, just on a smaller scale.

    Alternate version: Sorry I called DC a minor league sports town last month. here’s me convincing Lebron to come here

    This is the correct take. They just got back. This is Ovi’s time. Everyone gets a turn.

    They started to. Curry’s lingering at the Cleveland bench before on of those eruptions was because Kendrick Perkins caught him in the back of the knees after a shot.

    Not anymore Bryan.

    I wanted to join you. The hallway action was top notch. The end was legit too.

    I feel the same about intuition coming from lack of intelligence. Empathy is super powerful. I’ve know a bunch of intellectually brilliant people with blindspots including empathy... but the combination is where its really at!

    Ther’s a brief shot of her with The Thinker in the promo for next week. Could definitely see him getting into her head or vice versa to show him what true love really feels like.