

@mangonights: One extreme is just as bad as the other.

@rhinobird1: Approved because you successfully used "betwixt" in a sentence.

I understand you're a skinny asian man, David, so no disrespect— but I drink 2-3 of these when I want to get really fucked up.

extra's entry = Contact by Carl Sagan

"...corpses outside of a hospital, and it's not specified if these bodies were once zombies or not."

I feel like a woman who just had her first orgasm..... like

If anyone has read any of the Heechee books by Frederick Pohl (Gateway), then could this be one of the tricks for the glowing blue Heechee metal?

Anyone who scuba dives with a camera has experienced this. If you're looking through the lens the whole time, the magnificent, awesome, one-of-a-time experience is missed.


"Where else can you stash and share 100 MB of files online?"

@bob_d: Read that "billyuns and billyuns" in Carl Sagan's voice.

VOTE: TrueCrypt

@Chris Braak: The former. Haven't read the latter, but of course I want to now after reading Willis' novel.

@Chris Braak: Haha. What I meant to say was "To say nothing of the dog, you know?"

there is NO WAY THIS DUDE DRANK "like eight cans of four loko".

The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene.