
My mom used to do this every time fall hit.

This and Spy Party make me very excited to not do homework.


"...from a survey conducted by 5,000 tablet owners..."

4:20 :)

@tomsomething: Sometimes. It depends on if you need to go smart object-raster, or vice-versa, or any other type of file thang that can't be handled by copy/paste.

@tomsomething: I don't know if you do legitimate graphics work in Adobe's suite...and if you do, fair enough, I'm not coming at you.

@Dacker: Was this done with old-style umbrella (full hemisphere) parachutes? Because the technology is much safer/more efficient now.

I was there. It was awesome.


What is supporting the apple leaf in the picture?

"...1600 Chinese artisans."

@Curves: "It's not god I can't stand, it's his fan club"

@Ricorich196: hahaha I know man. And I live in MI....so yeaaaah

"(don't smoke a joint if you hope to perform well in bed.)"