
@Nitesh Singh: HAHA. On a page from a trip journal on a camping trip "I think I'm throwing the knife too much...it's becoming the norm."

correction: SHORT TERM memory loss.

@FauxFilms: Who knows if they're xenon or not. HID means High Intensity Discharge, so basically just a really bright light (albeit a special kind). They could be Xe, MH, or whatever

@Tycho Vhargon: Oh I know. It's the same reason Time Warp has insane HID lighting for their stunts.



I met a WWII vet, my granddad's friend, a while ago.

@lazarevski: I would approve this if I could. There is no reason not to use the pen tools for any kind of masking. (unless it is <2min worth of eraser work)

I'm sorry...how are they going to suspend balls in mid-air?

Many people don't understand that THC is not the only cannabinoid that has effects on the body (psychoactive or not).

Chrome for speed and simplicity.


He is the Dukenator.

@Arken: Oh. Then agreed, it is hypocritical.

@Arken: short answer: yes