
WOW, this service is a GREAT WAY to AUTOMATICALLY make awesome resumes!

@RentalCarGuy still believes schöne Kombis heißen Avant: I scuba dove in Thailand a couple years ago, and the dive instructor had been living there for maybe 20 years. Apparently a large boat was set on fire and abandoned, left to float towards the island. Everyone got their boats and tugs together, and they managed

@Roklimber: There are many handguns powerful enough to cause a sonic boom.

Really? This is EXACTLY what was in Repo Men.

Skyline's ships are a cross between Starcraft and The Matrix.

(you, red, x) + (porn, jizz) +(hub, tube)

@FlyingPuppet: Dude.... 1 TERABYTE hard drives are under $100 now. Hell, I have a couple old 200gb seagates lying around that I would send to you for the cost of postage.

It's funny when people say "oh, this game is so cliche. 3 alien races battling, space marines and telekinetic aliens and swarms of insects..."


"who doesn't have a brain this bit"

If you look forward and walk with purpose, people get out of your way.

One of my best point-and-shoot masterpieces. Shot in the BVIs while scuba diving.

Bridge Layer.

When does season 2 air? This is my favorite animated show since DBZ.

@bizarrorollins: It's on Netflix. Literally completely changed my perceptions on so many things.

@mordicai: One of my favorite parts is when they describe all of the thousands of Americans who floated in home-made rafts TO Cuba.