
It’s a show about rich assholes fucking and killing robots. Cultural appropriation is a non-issue, man.

The trouble is that the show didn’t need another Flash, let alone the multiple speedster villains it’s had. They could and perhaps should have introduced the character in Legends of Tomorrow and kept him there where his power set was at least unique to that group.

This should start a fight, but I’ll say The Shining. 

I can’t believe this one hasn’t been mentioned more. King probably saw too much of himself in the main character, so he put more of the emphasis on his breakdown on the supernatural. I like Kubrick’s take better, where the supernatural only gives Jack a slight push in the psychotic direction.

It happened decades ago, he served his time, and he moved on. Why is it an issue to be broached now? Unlike most of these fucks, he actually faced public and legal consequences for his actions

Really? 1 was such a drip and typically bland lead protagonist-type. I thought the show improved drastically upon ditching him to focus on 2 and Android.

I don’t agree with the ‘nonsensical female rivalry’ thing, though. The changes in Arya, I hesitate to call it growth, were obvious to anyone who knew her prior to Ned Stark’s death at King’s Landing. The older Sansa is much less outwardly changed. I think viewers forget that Arya hasn’t been watching the past 6

They could have showed this instead of wasting time on Theon Greyjoy.

There is no room in this thread for your educated, logical, easily researched, and mostly known explanations.

Why is it every time a woman gets something nice, someone has to question why they need it?

People say that should have been the title all along, but to be honest it’s pretty cringe-worthy. “All you need is kill” sounds like what a 14 year old would title his video game fanfic.

Fingers crossed, both that it gets made and it’s as good as promised. I gotta be honest, though: while I certainly didn’t love the title Edge of Tomorrow, I didn’t really think Live. Die. Repeat was much better, and Live. Die. Repeat and Repeat doesn’t do much for me either.

After running outside, she sees the chaos and then looks up to the sky where she sees a Predator drone (later revealed to be under control of the ATF), and the “something” that’s reflected in her glasses is a missile launched from the drone incoming straight at the building she just exited.

Actually, that sounds like a balls-cool cold open to me.

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

Wasn’t shipping couple names for celebrities one of criteria for going to Bad Place?

This is a good point I keep forgetting about. I had the pleasure (?) of managing to avoid major Lost spoilers during the show’s run. So when the series came to Netflix, I bingewatched it over the course of a summer. By doing that, I didn’t find the series finale to be as frustrating as people apparently found it when

Totally agree. I think future people binge watching this show and just going directly from the season 6 finale to the season 7 opener will enjoy it far more than those of us who had to endure the huge delay. The deaths simply had no emotional impact for me because, as you said, they were the logical choices.