You can’t blame her success on someone else but no one in any field ever has been the sole person responsible for their success
You can’t blame her success on someone else but no one in any field ever has been the sole person responsible for their success
Someone two comments above you called her smart! the lady who ranted on TV about white Jesus is smart now! What? The bar is indeed very low.
Eh, I’d wager there’s a huge overlap between Bernie Diehards and Obama supporters who didn’t vote in the midterms because Obama didn’t magically fix everything when he got into office.
You mean the people who accuse her of murder, covering up her husband’s rapes, and have vowed to never approve any Supreme Court appointees she may nominate, regardless of who they are?
Congressional Republicans in a Clinton presidency are going to make the last 8 years look like they were holding hands and singing Kumbaya with President Obama.
Also, minority voters, regardless of gender, because if only whites voted on Nov 8, we would have a Trump presidency and that makes me pretty ashamed to be a white person.