
I also wouldn't be stunned if Kalinda kills Bishop. She would then likely have to skip town, though that all might be too over the top. (Of course, it would then actually give some sort of purpose to the story with her ex-husband, to show what she is capable of.)

It was said when Will first died that it left an odd dynamic for this show because Will was the one character who didn't always carry his emotions close to the vest. Will would have been passionately going full throttle for Cary and letting the world know it. Alicia tends to avoid emotional situations; you could tell

The Sex & the City finale really irked me, and it wasn't even a show that I loved. The show was of course fluffy and silly, but the one halfway breakthrough message from it had been to not make finding a man be the desperate goal of its characters for the most part, and to even celebrate some of the things that are

Yeah, I never really wanted Andie with Ducky because it felt like she really did see him as her sometimes annoying little brother. They weren't really equals in either of their eyes for most of the movie. It did seem like that moment at the dance was a turning point where she begins to respect him.

The end of the first season of 24 really changed that show for me, and really set the tone for what the show was. Throughout the first season, it felt more like it was a serialized version of a typical action movie. There were twists and turns and the novelty of the ticking clock made it an entertaining show even

For me, the finale didn't bother me nearly as much as how they framed the entire final season. If they had spent the first 2/3 really focusing harder on his relationship with Tracey, and also not spent the entire season on a Barney/Robin wedding that was brushed off with about 30 second of exposition in the finale.

My poor 11 year old self could not take Little Women after LM Montgomery convinced me that girls should always end up with their childhood friend. Having Laurie then marry the super bratty Amy was quite crafty to make sure the reader got the message that Jo's rejection was a final one.

I agree completely on the whole Max storyline. It's one of those where for a moment you think the show might actually have been trying to show that Kristina and Adam were in the wrong because Dylan's parents were 100% right in what they said, but then you realize that is not where they were going.
I don't really

Not only has Castro or someone likely told him about Will, I doubt that given the context of how they met that Finn believes Will was just a friend. He never pushed her to reveal more when they bonded after the shooting, but I think her reactions show that his death cut more than that of a colleague or friend. That

It's also especially upsetting that Peter was not completely honest with her like she demanded, because with all the facts, she probably would have actually left him and had a real relationship with Will. It's just one more regret for her to have in not ever fully resolving anything one way or the other with Will.

It's funny, because the University of Missouri-Kansas City actually has one of those schools.