No, but most Finebaum callers are.
No, but most Finebaum callers are.
Are most people in Alabama like that old lady? Jesus.
"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."
Hate all you want... Sure, it's not an incredibly well constructed poem. However, the most disturbing part of all of this is that a student both followed the assignment AND found his own personal form of expression and got suspended for it. You have to love our education system. This guy should have just filled in the…
Hey, maybe if she didn't wanna get hit, she should have been born a man and then hit this guy even harder with her stronger, faster arms.
I dunno... If you're gonna throw punches you're fair game to be punched
Jesus, Tom, those videos are like 6 seconds long. You can't possibly expect a Heat fan to keep watching to the end.
It would be interesting to plot the last 5 or 10 super bowl champions on this list to see if they are closer to the Colts and Saints or if they can fall below the defense axis
Over at Advanced NFL Stats, Brian Burke has put together a great visualization plotting the offensive and defensive…
He has a helmet covering his eyes, he's disoriented and he STILL manages not to run into the ass of any of his offensive linemen.
Barring my boo @Vodka_Samm, this is the best thing I've seen today.
That's the first time a visitor has been caught stealing at Wrigley this year.
Is this what love feels like?
She ran on the field at Iowa and made headlines in her first attempt. This can only mean that she'll blow out her ACL in practice this week.
Technically, she wasn't trying to disrupt the game. According to the report, she was arrested at 1321 hours, or 1:21 p.m. The game didn't start until 2:30.
The Hawkeye baseball team has players who can't even hit .341.