
There’s no explanation on YouTube or Reddit about what exactly caused the incident

Remote trainers help you reinforce the behaviors you want from motorcyclists, such as staying in their lane. They also let you correct speeding, rev-limiter bouncing, and other unwanted behaviors. When you push a button on the handheld remote, your motorcyclist will receive a stimulation from his electronic

But at least half the time it will soon be darker, but your dash lighting is on, so how long will it take you to remember you don’t have headlamps on?

2018 Jeep Cicada

Alex , I will go with biggest fantasy for $1000. Who is 80's Kelly Lebrock?

Victim blaming. There is only one person at fault here, and it’s not the owner. Just because a car is running doesn’t mean you can take it. Don’t take shit that isn’t yours.
I remember when Jalops used to believe “don’t fuck with another [person’s] vehicle”. Those were better days.

I picture her slicing the family open like a loyal tauntaun, then crawling inside their steaming carcasses.

Dear Factory Five, Please make an 818 that looks like this. Thanks.

What did the other dealers say?

You could remove the rotors and calipers, but then you would have to remove the front calipers and plug the brake line — or else the pistons would just pop out as soon as you touched the pedal. This way, you just take the skis off and pop the conventional wheels back on and you have a regular car.


I know just the man for the job!

Yes but only for a cunning linguist.

As with so many other things new and different in F1: I’m all for this just for the conniption fit it’ll give Bernie.

Labrador retrievers?