
It’s actually nothing like that. In this case, there was no question whatsoever that this piece of shit was the very same piece of shit continuously observed assaulting multiple people. Your BIL was lazy police work. On the other hand, this guy’s public defender will just tell him to take whatever the DA offers,

Seriously, fuck Hong Kong. This kind of wanton waste is the kind of selfish, entitled bullshit for which we American (often rightly) get blamed. It’s so infuriating that these assholes would rather watch these cars turn into toxic waste than sell - or even give - them to someone that would repair or otherwise make use

In Illinois, Cook County IS the authority. And since when has any politician in Chicago cared about ethics or legalities?

It’s pretty hard to bring a case against somebody when the law clearly says you’re at fault. No doubt there are ambulance chasers who would try. But the TV station would have a pretty hefty countersuit/claim. And yes, I would bet my job on it.

Last I checked, hitting a stopped vehicle with it’s brake or hazard lights on from behind is ALWAYS the fault of the driver running into the back. So, no, the news crew would not be liable for anything.

So you park in the middle of the road and roll the camera. When the cops show up to ticket you, you explain the situation and show the one, maybe two, cars that blew out their tires in the pothole. If the cops ticket you and don’t do anything to divert traffic, you have a great story. If they don’t ticket you, but


Or you could buy a different lightweight coupe with three pedals and a Toyota motor for $20k less...

“Victim blaming” the guy who’s had the car for less than 24 hrs...stay classy!

Because you’re going to take it in the ass from the insurance company anyway. They’ll never pay you enough to actually replace your car, so unless you want to cover the difference (typically 10-20%), you would be looking for a used car that’s probably in the same condition as your theft recovery.

It’s most likely misdemeanor assault for spitting on the Escape driver.

More stringent side impact standards have ensured that every car will have this issue.

Almost certainly a case of being too heavy for the available takeoff run. Maybe next time make the Mrs. step on the scale in front of you instead of taking her word for it.

The conga line of planes coming into the Memphis airport at 1 AM is truly impressive.

I guess most of the ‘Busa owners in KC have already crashed/died, because around here, it’s the ATGAT 1000 riders you need to look out for. Apparently being loaded with protective gears makes them feel invulnerable. These are the guys I only see/hear when they’re on my passenger side door going 140 in afternoon

There have been some -10° mornings when I was pretty sure I NEEDED remote start.

Mine still had the paint intact, but otherwise identical. 5 speed. In retrospect: completely soul-sucking. But 29 years ago, it was awesome.

My leaf blower is electric. So getting rid of the ICE wouldn’t prevent that noise. It would just deprive us of the soothing sound of a Porsche flat 6.

This study appears to be confirmation biased crap. Their premise is that noises contribute to stress per loss of sleep. But they use animals and subjected them to aircraft noise and measured their response. Animals which lack the reasoning ability to discern a loud noise as threatening.

I’m picturing needlessly curvy streets with red and white curbing and very liberal noise ordinances too.