As long as I can still but a 10 year old AMG V8 for 10% of the original price, they can go ahead and stick rotaries in these things for all I care.
As long as I can still but a 10 year old AMG V8 for 10% of the original price, they can go ahead and stick rotaries in these things for all I care.
My Dad (commercial pilot) always joked about the meaning of the TSA
True, but do you think the general american public thinks as critically as you have? I don’t.
Autopilot is not intended to automatically pilot your car lol
Articles like this is why I visit Jalopnik every day. You better believe next time I drive over one of those tings with a passenger in the car, I’m dropping facts.
Question: At what point do you write Kaep off as an NFL player? In 20 years are we still going to go with the “The Browns acquired a back-up QB that is not Colin Kaepernick!!!!!”
Word on the street is that it’s getting a huuuuuuggggge power bump up to 210
USAA all day
The extra torque lies in the imaginations of the suburbia couples that will buy this.
Understood, but making less than 300 lb/ft. @ 4k just doesn’t seem very diesel-esque to me.
“giving you diesel-like torque and fuel economy in a gasoline engine.”
Clean entry, slight splash.
Or maybe............the Tesla decided it wanted a new parking spot while its owner was gone. If a driver-less Tesla hits my car in a parking garage, yeah, I’m dropping it into 1st and flooring it out of there because the robots are taking over.
The NSX all over again...5 years of over the top hype followed by a collective “meh”
“with a gunmetal-gray finished front fascia and mirror caps”
These the same ones eating Tide pods and shit
Why don’t we all just stop talking? Seems like a pretty easy solution to not offend anyone.