
What were the repercussions for the people treating him like shit for no reason and inciting the reaction?

"Retard?" You must've LOVED this episode…

This is amusing. I was "out in the world" before my son came as well. I picked up just a little bit of extra knowledge after he came along. I know you're just trolling, but still thought you might like to hear the good news that there is more out there for you to learn. Take care and have a good one.

If you don't have a child with developmental disabilities it's possible you don't know as much about this subject as you think.

Thanks, my ten month old son is awesome and I wouldn't change a single thing about him.

My son has Down Syndrome and I watched this episode with teeth and fists clenched. I looked forward to the review this morning. Thank you for giving it the F it deserves. In a strange way it's cathartic for me. Let's me know I'm not missing anything. This episode was lazy, had no symbolism or underlying messages, and

I find it interesting that he thinks the fact they say the word F****t is disgusting one paragraph after happily using the word R*****ed. Nice double-standard.