Jake Hamby

Men are routinely circumcised as infants in the Islamic world (Wiki says >80% in Iraq and its neighbors), which is why ISIS isn't going on about it. FGM is a more frightening proposition for Islamic fundamentalists to use to oppress and terrify women, and while they love oppressing and terrifying them some men, that's

I always think of that movie when I drink my Major Dickason's Blend coffee from Peet's. I just picture Major Dickason as a character in Yellow Submarine because it's so very British sounding.

Me too. Right now I'm reading a book that someone on Valleywag recommended recently, The Master Switch by Tim Wu, which digs into the big commercial and governmental machinations that took place over the course of the 20th century with the various information monopolies: AT&T, radio, TV, cable TV, and then the

Sort of like how in Neuromancer, RAM is hideously expensive and they had no wireless Internet, but otherwise it was fairly forward looking.

I remember being really excited about the possibilities in early 2005 when I learned that someone had reverse engineered the Google Maps JavaScript code (before there was an official API for it) and created a "mashup" with Craigslist called HousingMaps.com that let you search an area, filtering by price range, etc.,

Paychecks are for betas. Real alphas are all about the capital gains.

"Would you like to come upstairs and see my etchings?"

Breaks the ice at naughty parties...

My brain actually read this headline as Dr. Dre at first, which didn't make any sense, then I remembered the existence of Dr. Drew Pinsky, and thought there better be some good comments taking down this idiot for his "all womens' problems are caused by sexual abuse" shtick among other things. I was not disappointed.

The way it works is you look through the little prism thing and you see the screen image projected at a distance. If you need vision correction, the eyeglass lens goes between you and the prism so you can see the projected image in focus. But nothing's actually projected onto the lens so it's completely optional.

If only Glenn Beck were that aware of pop culture to get the drug reference... I'm sure The Blaze refers to the blaze of liberty reflected in the bonfire of smutty books written by liberal atheists, or something equally inspiring like One Nation Under God, a true American Mormon painting about freedom.

So, Wizard of Oz is a feminist-liberal allegory about dimwitted government, and actually has a canon genderfluid/transgender character,

That's an excellent point and explains a phenomenon I've noticed about Indian accents: it's fairly common to hear an educated woman from India speaking with a standard British (RP) dialect, but much more rare to hear an Indian man with a British accent.

Tori also posed for a photo of her breast-feeding a piglet on the Boys for Pele album art which was both provocative and weird.

Heh, did you get added to the Block Bot for annoying anyone?

That's a good way of putting it. As I just replied to another comment, I get the impression from following her on Twitter that she only wants the kind of allies who already agree with her about everything. Like a social justice Ayn Rand.

I get the impression from following her on Twitter that she only wants the kind of allies who already agree with her about everything. Like a social justice Ayn Rand.

Fascinating... in your experience,what gets added and what gets taken away from their various bro lifestyles when they move to LA?

Cool story, bro.