Sometimes you get the shaft and are still left holding the bag.
Sometimes you get the shaft and are still left holding the bag.
For the price of gas, it doesn’t really matter where the US gets its oil from. Simplified: Your gas prices are based on oil prices, and oil prices are determined internationally.
How roo’d.
“I’ve had the wine of my life.” - Wine Store Baby
The solution to Dr. Inferno should have been a bottle of ghost pepper sauce. For Word Nerd, I think the Present-Progressive Construction is more suggestive that the meal is not a done deal, but a work in progress that can literally change course if it is going South. “How does it taste?” is more suggestive that the…
With Whipped Cream’s letter takes me back - about eight years ago a corporate directive came down to the coffee shop in the media store I managed to start charging $0.25 for whipped cream, and the cafe manager had her staff ignore the directive. Soon after that, there was a theft where an unauthorized person gained…