
I would like to point out that she’s knitting the noodles. Crochet is done with a hook. *boom*

What concern is it of yours why someone is asking for recommendations? I don’t care how busy you are - giving information and an informed opinion (since hopefully you’ve seen/tasted these dishes, while I have not) is part of your job. It’s not like it’s a buffet where food can be visually inspected before selection.

I drink tea all day sweetened with a generous amount of Splenda, and I’ve done this for years. When I diet, tracking my calories and weight with an app, my weight loss is right in line with my calorie consumption. So, at least for me, this is a whole bunch of maybe-might-be extrapolation from mouse studies that

Of course, if this was Windows, the headline wouldn’t be about “annoying apps”, but about “Bloatware!” .... because spin.

What about Space 1999?

I think the quality of your article suffered from all the pedaling.

Given that there’s no law requiring wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle in 28 states, really what’s all the outrage about controlling what this guy is doing? Far more people are going to die because of their “freedom” not to wear a helmet for reasons far less reasonable than hoping to cure yourself of some

You complain about the price of Windows 10, but I note it’s about the same as your power supply and only twice as much as your mouse. Yet, it’ll probably have more of a dramatic impact on your experience of your computer than most of these other components.

Well, growing up in Appalachia, I drank water from a place called “Billy Stewarts Spring”, which was a PVC pipe shoved into a hillside along the road, and lots of people arrived there in their trucks with water containers to fill up. It was a different era, but I remember the water tasting good (in comparison to the

I think what’s pretentious is this review.

What’s the difference between this and wearing sandals? Or women wearing strapped shoes? I’d say you were just annoyed with this woman for personal reasons and decided to concentrate on her shoelessness since you felt it was a rallying point. I personally take my shoes off on every flight I’m on. Every one! So, there.

My partner and I host a board game night every Friday night. The only prep I do is order pizza and buy a box wine. I have a Facebook group for it, and post a reminder on Thursdays and ask who can come. Occasionally no one can make it, often 2 to 4, but sometimes we get 8 and have to split into two groups to play. But,

It’s all the cord. You have the tiny cord that goes down to the box where all the other connectors are. That’s the whole of the innovation - so that when it’s hung on the wall, only that little cord trails off to wherever.

I loved my TC for the few years I had it. I still think they’re beautiful cars. The paint job was super, the leather interior was premium, the tonneau was a thing of beauty. My partner liked that it rode like a cruiser. There was plenty of room. The portal windows on the hardtop were evocative. If they’d just

Much of what constitutes normal medical practice is not “proven” - as in being supported by multiple double-blind studies.

I have a C-Max Energi plug-in Hybrid, and I rely exclusively on the 120V charger. My commute to work is about 8 miles, so (depending on temperature) my entire commute fits quite neatly into the electric range. I didn’t want to have to install a new charger in the garage, so the 120V charger was a selling point for