
The AMA does great things for trail riding, and that’s about it.

I can give a little insight here. The problem is three-fold:

Completely competent, and a TON of fun around town.

Exactly, but there has to be some way to show the real world difference between good gear, and gear that has no place on a bike.

It would be great for clicks, but the trick is to make it actually useful instead of just “it put a hole here.” Even the certification labs don’t even do it right, but it is worth some more research.

Check out the ICON 1000 Fairlady, or the Rev’it Bellacour.

This is good feedback. There was also an idea to put them on Mannequins and toss them out of moving vehicles. Thanks for the input!

Shoot some ideas our way. How should we do gear reviews differently? What would you like to see? Saying, herp derp it’s hipster isn’t as constructive.

Astars private labels for Triumph and a couple other OEMs, as do Dainese, Rev’it, and KLIM. It’s a pretty incestuous factory floor so it’s surprising this doesn’t happen more often haha.

Unless they changed factories. Last time I checked they were doing some runs in the U.S., some in Pakistan, and some in Indonesia.

I would give these a try. I had to wear a size up because of the tight timeframe, but in the correct size they would be my perfect balance of tailored vs. skinny.

This is actually a good idea.

No problem at all.

Of course. Her instagram account will also have 10 billion followers and she will only ride in a tube top and a pout because she’s strong and independent.

The answer is double fuck yes. You will get the manic pixie dream girl of your dreams and with that instafame status.

A reinforced thermoplastic box under the toe.

These have armor standard, thicker leather, and are built by a motorcycle apparel company.

Breath-ability is only slightly less than off-the-rack Levi’s. I wore these on the plane to London even and never felt hot.

I would not recommend them at all. Super bulky, tears easy, and yeah, swamp crotch for days

My first trackday was my worst. It was a parade of comical horrors and copious tomfoolery. In order, here were my fuckups: