I haven’t seen a single poll that shows that the majority of Democrats, much less a majority of the population as a whole, supports defunding the police.
I haven’t seen a single poll that shows that the majority of Democrats, much less a majority of the population as a whole, supports defunding the police.
Look, the only thing I know about Arizona is Maricopa County, which l learned from Joe Arpaio, the racist sheriff that was so racist he went to prison for being racist because he just couldn’t stop being racist.
Still waiting for the apology to the bald community.
And I thank you! Great response!
Beautifully written, Kelly. Well done!
Why not? It’s a novel, not a memoir, or nonfiction. Why not write about the Latinx experience, so long as you research it? If an American wanted to write about Tsarist Russian peasants, why can’t she? If a Pakistani author wanted to write a story about life in apartheid South Africa, why can’t she?
I hate being forced to celebrate.
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has 78 congresspeople, fully 1/3 of the Democratic house membership. They support the Green New Deal, Infrastructure bill, higher taxes on the wealthy, higher minimum wage - all lefty stuff. It’s not just 5 people.
He’s 54.
Thank you. Made me laugh on a bad day.
I don’t dispute that Pryianka is much more famous than all the rest. My issue was that this is not the “first time” an Indian woman has been in the American spotlight. Freida was on all the talk shows after Slumdog Millionaire ten years ago.
While I agree the Cut article is shit, I have to take issue with this:
Coincidentally, “Satanic Panic” is the name of my new band.
I went to a Goo Goo Dolls concert last night. I don’t know if this supports your prediction or refutes it.
“Washington is too expensive,” said Rep. Dan Donovan (R-SI)
Wait... a whole article about how sexually charged this Catherine the Great role will be, and no reference to her fucking a horse? #disappointed
Yeah, more information is needed. But assuming it was California in 2017, the minimum wage was $10.50 an hour for employers with 25 employees or more. 40 hours @ $10.50 = $420 per week. Even 60 hours per week is just $630, excluding overtime.
It’s spelled Lauryn Hill
“The cases of Jane Roe and Jane Poe came just two months month after that office ....”