
This is just the kind of film review we have come to expect from Ignatiy Vishnevetsky

The film really falls apart when it gets to the Fremen. They're white as Wonder Bread! Lynch is a white boy from the Midwest—he had no idea how to treat a Bedouin-like nomadic people. Let's not even talk about Chani…

That was not so much a a kids movie as a "20 something in therapy" movie.

"Indeed, I tend to think that Doctor Who needs to signpost its
emotional beats, because the constant shifts in time and place mean it
functions a bit like an anthology show, in which we need to reset even
the main characters’ main emotional beats at the start of every episode."

Mmm, that is some good cultural-conversation-saturating there.

This is what fanfiction is for— to purpose mass culture for your own needs.