


I didn't say the pressure differential was the only thing that provided lift. I was pointing out that it is not a myth that it does provide lift.

It's not a myth so much as it's incomplete...kind of like taking a snippet of a conversation out of context. The air does move faster over the top of the wing. When a moving fluid (air is treated as a fluid) encounters an obstacle, it's path narrows and it speeds up to get around the obstacle. When it is past the

I agree. Mr. Diaz must have appointed Sam to take his place as Gizmodo's senseless ranter.

John Carpenter is going to want royalties from the Navy....

I know I'm going to be verbally castrated for this joke, but I have to tell it anyway, so... A baby seal walks into a club...

Give me a 10-inch monitor that does this....and put it in the dash of my car, in place of my radio.

The big images are nice (26 inch monitor), but having to return to the normal view to see comments is asinine.

Cnet is reporting that it's supposed to be released in March.

I've got one just like it!

In the current jobs environment, you do whatever you have to do to stay employed.

I used to have a Leatherman in my computer bag all the time. Since 9/11, you have to remember to put it in checked baggage. I forgot once. I had to give it up at airport screening.

Not sure I remember either, but I think mine was about $230.

My father has patents in his name from his time with IBM. IBM controls the patents, not my father. They were the result of his work for IBM. I imagine NASA views this the same way, and I suspect courts would agree. These notes have historical value. If a museum bought them, I might feel a little differently, but

I guess it's time to change my password from "11111" to "12345"....

It's better than getting drunk and waking up next to somebody who is in a Wookiee costume....

Only if I fold it in half....

Pubic hair....unless you shave.

You're absolutely right....As long as I can synchronize the engine rpm to the music I'm trying to play. It might add a nice dance beat.