eurocutie 00

Iggy doesn’t really feast on anyone anymore, and he never had much of a post up game to begin with.


I certainly felt better about America when the Yankees lost that series in soul-crushing fashion.

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.

Rodgers is a transcendent quarterback who is forgetting about his family 50 years ahead of his peers.

you go to a junior collenge

....he was constantly on the phone with his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua...

When asked what he’s going to do now that he’s got a 100 million dollar contract, Antetokounpo said he’d carry on the fine Greek tradition of spending all 300 million of it.

Trent Dilfer would be selling insurance in Visalia if a mostly black Ravens defense hadn’t carried his replacement-level ass to a Lombardi Trophy. He might want to sit this one out.

Did we ever find out the nine guys the Indianapolis Colts were honoring?

Aaaaaand that did it. I was fine with everything, thinking about how incredible that was, but that tweet...

Missed the perfect opportunity to snap it to the upback for the nastiest trick play of all time!

If he didn’t know he was down, he probably wouldn’t have known there was an interception either. Or, a play. Or, a game.

SEC speed.

All of those benefits sound like negatives.