Who worries about scratches? It’s not a car you are going to trade in in a couple years.....
Who worries about scratches? It’s not a car you are going to trade in in a couple years.....
My gas stove kept me alive during the big Texas snow storm 2 years ago when we had no power for 4 days with below freezing temps! Plus you can’t use a wok very well on an electric stove.....
Chicken is a lot more affordable now too!
No no, talk to Crest in the comments! He will cheer you up! Like a stan can!
People that rich buy gap insurance.....
Hasn’t he sold billions in Tesla stock in the last few months? Where did that money go?
Good stuff!
Have her claims been verified?
Isn’t it the peanut gallery that makes her rich?
I’m not familiar with her “work” but it takes 15 people to show here in a hot tub? What does she do in there that’s it’s NSFW?
And to think Grandma Butt was a die hard Catholic so they closed on Sundays AND didn’t sell beer (in alcoholic Texas!) FOR DECADES! But once the grandkids graduated Harvard, sanity prevailed.....
HEB rocks FTW!!!!!
Glass for me FTW.....
It may be natural but it still tastes off.....
I thought it was a diet drink?
Is 7UP a lemon lime drink? Oh, and you wrote Pepsi has international rights to it, so no domestic rights?
Thats a stretch even at Mickey D’s.....
I agree totally Sjngle Track!
What happened to volunteer proofreader?