Those are the Dolly Parton chickens they have “developed.” The poor things are so large they can’t stand up.....
Those are the Dolly Parton chickens they have “developed.” The poor things are so large they can’t stand up.....
He has a 9 month waitlist! He could double his price and those wealthy people would still show up and it would allow him to pay well. I think he is just bored hence the almost 2 year notice of closing.....
Why can’t these fancy pants cooks stop playing with my food (fruit leather wtf?) and just make me the best cheeseburger know to modern man please?
Finally someone said it!
There was an NFL coach in the 1960's with the first name of Weeb. Who names their child Weeb?
Love your screen name!
Ugh, had to deliver that and the Big Foot back then. Ordered mostly by the poors with minimal (if at all) tip. Ugh.....
But you get the point right Mr. Anal?
They both need dance and ethics lessons.....
Kim lied and doctored a recording to help Kanye “get” Swift. Did she ever apologize for that?
Or Springsteens son the fireman.....
You slay me with the terms Mr. Valve and Little Valve. So awesome!
That was beef? I thought it was ham because it was so pink. On an unrelated note: that cut has to cost like $300, it’s so big!
Always buy PrimeTM. Worth the extra money!
Because you can’t tell the ethnix nothing or it’s racism.....
Again, where is the flavor supposed to come from?
Filet o’ fish?
You need those things for flavor.....
There was no need to call names. It’s people like you that make the internet a cesspool. I do believe you are phony.....
This 1000%....