“.....menstruate?” Darn spell check goblin!
“.....menstruate?” Darn spell check goblin!
Is your customer young enough to menstruation? Politics literally affects the freedom of her uterus.....
Like the palace would ever let him get close to danger?
What pisses me off is they get to use cocaine and there’s always someone there to cover/clean it up.....
Kate could just request another lip gloss from an assistant. It’s not like she pays for anything.....
You will stick your tongue in her snatch (I hope) but she can’t use your toothbrush? She’s taking the bigger risk.....
Why are pointing out established facts about women all of a sudden sextet? Next you’ll claim they don’t menstruate.....
Gpodcast point about money.....
I think Charles was trying to be funny (he failed) when he told Diana “.....an heir and a spare, my work here is done.” What??? Did that mean no more sex with hot mommy?
He means it's his mantra now, not then.....
Drunk drivers are real criminals especially if they hurt others.....
You know someone (not me) is going to now use that as their screen name.....
I guess your TV is always tuned to fox you deluded puppy killer worshipper.....
His advice is applicable to medium security and up. Minimum security is a breeze. In fact, if you “kick someone’s ass” there, you get sent to the worse prisons. No one wants that, everyone behaves.....
That is so true! From recent Federal cases, the penalty seems to 5 to 7 months per $250,000 amount.....
I bet you are not fun at parties so you don’t get invited. A name whose comments I will not read, now and forever!
You sir seem to be an elitist with, uh, weird taste. But I defend your right to be wrong. Devils Advocate and Armageddon are perfection!
Another Musk company fails to deliver. I’m shocked!
Here’s the stan. That didn’t take long.....
I’ve lived in Austin for 41 years and HEB is awesome but I didn’t know HEB had car washes.....