So what your saying is people should conform to your views but you don’t have to conform to others views? Sorry its not how adulting works.
So what your saying is people should conform to your views but you don’t have to conform to others views? Sorry its not how adulting works.
The problem is everytime someone tries, sites like this write giant articles about how “Men are trying to take power away from *real* victims of sexual assault” and then accuse them of being sexist MRA sympathizers.
A) Ignores men who have been harassed, with Terry Crews being a recently-out example.
Hi, Im here for the Halo hate circle jerk? Where do I leave my pants?
A picture is worth a thousand words, but not necessarily a thousand truths...
And yet here you are, on an Esports article. The mind boggles.
Have you considered that shooters might just not be your thing? Because Halo (at least before 343 shoved in all the unnecessary garbage like perks and unlocks and loadouts) is as about as pure an FPS experience as you can get this side of Quake. This isn’t meant to be a knock on you at all, but I’ve noticed that…
Oddly enough, I am the opposite. I enjoyed the original Halo trilogy and cannot for the life of me understand the circlejerk that is Overwatch.