Jonathan Goeschl

I know Richard has always been on the verge of being a dick, but but this episode just ruined him for me. While I appreciate his apology to Jared and his strives to make amends, his douchebaggery for the first half of the episode make him a hard character to root for.

Yeah, and "Fire Escape" got played all the time too. They were more of a one album wonder.

Poor Irene. I just wasn't ready to see a sweet old lady victimized by Regina George and the other plastics.

More so. He's not orange like season six has made him.

It was the Ryan Adams concert at The Greek Theatre in LA. We were finding our seats. I told my friend and she didn't know who I was talking about, so I showed her on imdb and she still didn't know.

Semi-related: Since my friends and family won't care, I'll tell my fellow Veep fans. Last week, I walked two feet away from and made eye contact with Reid Scott at a concert. Yes, it was as magical as you'd imagine.

On one level, I fully realize House of Cards is unrealistic and over the top in its depiction of American politics. But I just love it. Every other show has been put on hold so I can watch season 5. I can't help myself. At least I feel less guilty about this than when I find myself mindlessly watching "2 Broke Girls"

Well, apparently he wasn't drinking urine…just drinking out of a mug that has balls in it. My original point still stands.

I have got to stop watching this show while I'm eating. Between last week's projectile vomiting and this week's urine drinking. I thought I was stronger, but I'm not.

Oh, I know. I was fully expecting him to fill it with urine.

I would happily watch the Madame Tussaud's subplot in every episode for the completion of Veep.

I really want to see an episode with Gary's 40th birthday party in Alabama.

Seriously. I was just thinking that those 15 minutes of this episode were better than anything The Walking Dead has ever done. Just my opinion of course.

I've loved season 5, and this episode just justified those feelings even more. When those White Walker children were just standing there, I legitimately got chills.