
It’s killing me that none of the reviews I’ve seen so far mention Foster’s, a great show that pulled off all the things this film apparently fails to do.

When I saw the trailer with my 20-something daughter, she said “this looks like a bunch of tropes stacked on top of each other," so I agree, if that's not what it is, the marketing is bad.

Yes. The transporter has saved the day many, many, many times in the history of Star Trek. They needed to help out the fans with a little tech gobbledegook to take that option off the table this time. Otherwise you get geeks like me saying “Beam them up! Beam them up!!” to the TV.

Totally agree. This was my only problem with what was otherwise a great episode (and I agree with Zack that Disco is not always great). They needed to throw in a line on how Control or Airiam or the mines or whatever had disabled the transporters and everything else would have worked.

I agree with this review 100%. They had great raw material here once Saru discovered the truth about not having to be prey, and they blew it on ridiculous choices by the characters that miraculously, and simplistically, result in a happily-ever-after ending. In just about every other Star Trek series before this, this