I can see the Alex Jones rants now
I can see the Alex Jones rants now
Theres probably a lot of factors that arent being considered in this. But I gusss any movement of the numbers could be interesting. Not like these guys are the only ones that do this though so who knows
How have I never come across Olivetti’s art before? Now I must seek this out
Ive seen this documentary and it got me right back on board
True but he did say for a dollar tip. Which would make the customer a dick, and thats just as egregious as staying open when you really shouldnt be
Oh gawd lol too much
Clearly you dont like awesome
Not just Image either. Valiant, Oni, webcomics. So many quality choices these days
Want to stop the cycle, quit buying comics. Sends a huge message.
Hard living does that to ya
Gamers not putting up with game companies shit really is a big one. And I think when your a public company share holders are huge. Who knows, their may be a tipping point in the future if this keeps happening
Good for him! I dont get Minecraft, but i certainly can appreciate the art that people come up with from it
it just amazes me how people figure these things out
Women getting threatened is more news worthy than a man. Also a little different. Unless of course the game director of Black Ops 2 is female. Then i rescind all of this
wait until flu season. the media is going to have a field day with that.
stay away from infowars and dailymail for starters. they just breed stupid over there
PC of course....dammit