
if you say so. But i dont know of anyone who gets paranoid, so some people are affected differently. Much like alcohol i guess.

well, theres that then

Is there even a test that can determine how under the influence someone is.

for some people it does

silly russians

Ha! Thats just great. Meanwhile why dont they get a new commissioner. Welcome the new boss same as the old boss

Hypocrisy, people are weird that way. I think some of those are a little different, but whatever , doesn't change your point

I think Avengers 2 will have an easier time than say Ant-man. That one has redheaded step child written all over it

your just not that type of creative. Its ok youll find your thing.

thats just great.i cant stop laughing

and it was always the raunchiest mags out there to.not complaining just saying

Its like that generations equivalent to the spice channel. Brings a tear to my eye.

third input is also on the rise among teens. could just be a coincidence

three years or death. Jesus, no middle ground

Are kids becoming more horrible , or is social media just bringing to light how they've always been


Beat me to it. I absolutely love Azzarello's run and think it would be great on the big screen.

But no Jimmy Hoffa