
It’s still a gas engine. Remember in Back to the Future part 3 the fuel line gets ripped by an arrow? Since its 1885 there is no gasoline available so Doc and Marty have to push the Delorean to 88 mph with the train.

Incorrect. Mr. Fusion only powers the time circuits and the flux capacitor, but the internal combustion engine runs on ordinary gasoline; it always has.

Publishers state “No one wants Adventure Games. No one wants another Banjo-Kazooie. No one wants another Mega Man. No one wants another Castlevania.”

That’s the thing with the Marvel movies, they can deal with very heavy content but the great dialogue and a keen awareness of what and who they are (heroes) and what they doing (trying to save people’s lives) makes its seem a lot more lighthearted and feel good.

I watched a clip where Black Widow was on her bike, and it made me want to visit Seoul as the colors were just so bright.

If someone slides their light saber down that, it's going to go right through the metal bits and take your hand off anyway. That style of cross guard wouldn't be very effective.

The editing was atrocious. The crossbar is stupid. the soccer ball droid has me apprehensive.

To be fair, I didn't find it that impressive. Maybe when there is something to get excited about the trailers I'll get excited about it. Atm, it just seemed like disjoined random images of characters I don't know anything about. Only Millenium Falcon and some X-wings were familiar to me.