Sorry. Not gelling with my moral compass.
Sorry. Not gelling with my moral compass.
I mean, is this the time to point out that Kusanagi wears a full-body prothesis. So she can pretty much look however she wants...
Agree about Agent Carter. :(
Honestly a multi-episode arc with the Leader effing with SHIELD and them bring Hulk in only for the Leader to shoot the big green guy into space is the tv-movie crossover I’m hoping for.
Actually, if human history is any indication, the “man of steel” should be more reviled than George Lucas and for better reasons.
Eh no. I’d rather see some fresh copy from Joss.
Honestly, rehashing Ross and Rachel like the did on Chuck is the fastest way to make me stop watching. I don’t care if bad-ass Adam Baldwin is on your cast.
Honestly, pretty sure the awakening being discussed early on was his. Rey doesn’t become a thing until after she finds the old lightsabre.
I don’t know. IMO Jurassic World was a better movie (partially because it cleverly acknowledges what’s going on with the nostalgia factor — i.e., everyone’s cashing in on your memories). I think everyone’s giving SW a free pass because Star Wars. This thing wasn’t even as good as Revenge of the Sith.
Dude Kasdan is a hack with a hardon for Han Solo. IMO Daisy and John turned in brilliant performances that almost saved the movie; however, the script was both tepid and “safe” and just two brilliant actors isn’t enough to save the film. Star Trek works because the whole cast is brilliant.
As well you should. As well you should.
I agree that they haven’t really earned this story (and star for that) but the Civil War trailer really does look excellent.
That’s actually be pretty lazy. But one might want to recall that Han basically offered Luke a job before Luke flew off to blow up Death Star 1. I only mention it because...
This’d never happen. For one my guess is that one has to be in tune with the light side (keywords that were used way to much in the movie) in order to perceive force ghosts. But two, Adam Driver’s derp face is too off-putting for force ghosts to manifest.
It would at least be true to its genre roots if it did.
IIRC Lucas personally hates flashbacks and rarely uses them in his films.
Yeah it’s obvious that this is the case. I’m expecting VIII will be like Looper...I’ll understand the entire story within 4 minutes of sitting down and then have to suffer through the epically bad makeup as Joseph Gordon Levitt transitions into Bruce Willis. If only any of these filmmakers actually knew how to employ…
That sucks. It was the best part of the movie. I’d say more but I don’t want to masses to foam at the mouth as I dissect their sacred cow.
This is what I was thinking too.
Blompcamp straight up wants to split the continuity, branching at Alien3. I think that’s fine. It’ll probably be better than JJ’s soft-reboots have been.