Kinda like Jesus being a white guy?
Kinda like Jesus being a white guy?
Honestly, I think your complaint really boils down to “I don’t like change” which is fine. But this is the 21st century, if some things don’t get updated the show will look weirdly anachronistic.
On the whole I agree with what you’re saying. However, with regards to this:
That’s true for all cultures.
But he wasn’t the lead... :/
This is a weak ass argument. We’ve reached a day and age where we can acknowledge the complexity of the situation. The best thing that Marvel and Netflix could do is cast a mixed-race actor and work the appropriation vs. stereotype dilemma onto the screen.
Actually, his friendship with Luke Cage has nothing to do with race...
This would actually add alot of interesting nuance to the character. Halfsies often get the not-this and not-that from both sides.
Honestly, because in most cases races don’t matter. Peter Parker could be black with zero impact on the character (the point is his family’s blue collar background not the color of their skin).
Exactly Power Man and Iron Fist are both from the exploitation era of Hollywood film-making.
Lol. You haven’t been watching the hate some of us have for the white washing of Ghost in the Shell. I might like ScarJo as an actress but in no universe do I want to see her portray Motoko.
Hollywood!!!!! Grrrrr!
Yeah, lately Tom Cruise has eclipsed him as my goto actor for fresh new scific (although, if they make a sequel to All You Need is Kill there’s going to be hell to pay #noteverythingneedstobeafranchise).
As long as they skip the tired origin story, I’m willing to give it the benefit of a doubt.
It’s what made Ant-Man so great!
I won’t touch the whole A-list / B-list thing but it is nice to see a movie where the good guys lose occasionally.
I think it’s been confirmed that Magneto is one of the horsemen.
Right there with you. Was 4 when the first one came out. (More G.I. Joe and Transformers than Spider-Man and Rom though.) I remember that everyone around me liked the PT at the time they came out except for a few proto-hipster friends that thought they were going to be literary geniuses.
Sure but I knew that. Fortunately the MCU is mostly just inspired by the comics. Lucky for everyone.
Yeah, sorry. I apologize. The latest round of Lucas sucks has been going around and somehow you got mixed into the crosshairs.