
You’ve got a north american finance minister in Ukraine (Nathalie Jaresko, an official of the State Department for 20 years whose nomination was “suggested” to Poroshenko by Joe Biden) and the son of Joe Biden at the head of the biggest gas company in the country, and the russians are taking over ? Man, that’s

Probably. The leading candidate is literally a socialist. Socialism is terrifying. He is the LEADING candidate for the Democratic ticket. That is batshit in itself. On the other side of the coin is Hillary, who is basically a felon and probably killed a guy in the 90’s. Her and Bill are virtually just the Underwood’s.

i’m from Venezuela, and listen to me, socialism its just comunism wearing a bitch suit.

Going back and forth with you is like arguing with a retard, every time something you say is proven wrong you just abandon your previous point and argue a different position.

Of course you would think that the metric system is cool, you pompous dickwads (most of which are overprivileged NYC transplants now claiming to be “real” New Yorkers) run around in your vintage EPL jerseys using collective noun verb agreement. If your pretentious fetish for all thinks European is so goddamned strong,

It’s not very surprising is it. But then, it’s about as racist as ‘Barack Ebola’.

Excessive speeding/street racing. One specific instance: A couple months before I turned 21 I was playing DD for some of my cousins in Michigan. On the way home from the bar (about 3AM) we were traveling on a deserted 2 lane Michigan highway in my cousin's modified S4. I was driving, completely sober, and my cousins

Syracuse, New York, would challenge that statement about Flagstaff and snow.

This is Gawker Media in a nutshell:

We got the B5/B6/B7 wagons. I've had a B5 S4 wagon and a B6 S4 wagon. Both cool cars, the B5 was way faster (Hybrid K24/RS6 turbos) than the stock B6, but the B6 had a nicer interior and broke down less.

You know what would make this thread awesome? Pictures.

I thought bringing back the grey comments was going to allow picture posting again? What gives? Now we have annoying gray comments (95% of which deserve approval), and STILL no pictures. Worst of both worlds.

Yikes. As someone who works for a company that is heavily automotive focused, this worries me. Seems like the housing market all over again.

Diego Garcia conspiracy theory anyone?

Please, please, get it straight.

So revitalizing run down neighborhoods with additional housing to alleviate the gross housing shortage in the city is now gentrification.

Neutral: Biggest factor in new car sales? Easy credit? Pent-up demand? Good Weather? Awesome Cars?

A more subtle way is to use your Mazda3 during winter.

I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. I think GM grossly overestimated how quickly and by how much the economy would recover. Which is easy to do because fed is injecting economy with liquidity but that doesn't improve economy in real terms and just sends out false signals to forecasters. Same thing is going

Also GM has half the divisions it use too, the key measure is what's the profit per car sold. I remember the CFO post bankruptcy saying there we happy to become number 2 in sales if GM was more profitable doing so.

because enron shared their books with S&P...derrr