sure, but don’t act like nothing shitty happens here either. Not saying it invalidated the result, but LOL at that sample.
sure, but don’t act like nothing shitty happens here either. Not saying it invalidated the result, but LOL at that sample.
uhh about that
Funny how she can continue to be protected when she was the one who ignited the initial public witch hunts. Seems patronizing to me.
I have a hard time feeling sympathy for a person who was the one who initially set up “lynch mobs” to the people she accused. Eramo received death threats as outlined in the article, and the frat house was targeted and vandalized as Im sure their members were as well. I have yet to hear a compelling reason as to why…
No the question is, why should the authorities protect her identify?
this is reasonable. But a lot of the other responses basically amount to coddling imo. I mean, she caused the mess, why should she be protected?
So can anyone explain to me why Jackie hasn’t been outed yet? Clearly she is known to the authorities and also to several news outlets who have covered the case.
I get the reasoning why you would refuse to publish the identities of rape victims to shield them from public scrutiny....but, it’s been clear for more than…
fact checking isn’t really their job
I’m not an anime fan, but Porter has done this for a while now. Here’s one of his mixes where he sprinkles in anime intros? I presume.
Think one of them starts @ around 1 hour 7 min and 30 sec.
depends on what they’re portfolio is like. But with a 3% return (conservative) they’re making 960 million. Quick google search shows a 4.2 billion dollar op budget and they have a budget deficit of 34 million.
So looks like they’re straining a little bit.
See more:
The limiting factor would seem to be if the amount of extra money required by these salaries exceeds the growth rate of the endowment.
But they aren’t actually drawing from the endowment (the principal investment), I am pretty sure they cannot due to earmarks and their fiduciary duties. They just take the money the endowment makes on yearly returns in the form of dividends received and interest revenue and that’s what they apply to operating budget.
The question then becomes, by how much will you increase the draw on the endowment
You probably can’t because endowment additions are (I believe) earmarked by donors for exclusive use as an investment. There’s also a fiduciary duty involved here on the behalf of the board of trustees. So I’m not sure whether you’re advocating for Harvard to draw down the endowment on principal (meaning just taking…
Proceeds from the endowment’s investments (i.e. interest revenue) goes to the Ops budget. The endowment isn’t liquid.
oh you mean this Muhammad Ali? In his world, Kaepernick wouldn’t even exist.
She has said he will play a major part of her administration
Yeah good point, communism killed millions of more people than fascism.
as if BLM and progressives haven’t advocated for less police presence in African American communities. Well guess what, it isn’t the Cops committing the hundreds of murders taken place in our cities.
Guess we’re not gonna get the update the Keith not only beat his wife and son, but also threatened his wife with a gun right? Or how about the fact that the gun was found with the hammer in the firing position. Nah guess not.