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oh you mean this Muhammad Ali? In his world, Kaepernick wouldn’t even exist.

She has said he will play a major part of her administration

Yeah good point, communism killed millions of more people than fascism.

as if BLM and progressives haven’t advocated for less police presence in African American communities. Well guess what, it isn’t the Cops committing the hundreds of murders taken place in our cities.

Guess we’re not gonna get the update the Keith not only beat his wife and son, but also threatened his wife with a gun right? Or how about the fact that the gun was found with the hammer in the firing position. Nah guess not.


yea i had mine cut out, and i was afraid of the arthritis prognosis. But I had the surgery done at 18 (25 now), and I have never had a problem with it and I am a pretty active guy. Have you had any issues with your knee that got the meniscectomy?

Also when I said 2 weeks, I mean that I didn’t have surgery right away.

well i have torn my meniscus in a game before. If you dont elect to get surgery you can come back in like 2-3 weeks. But once you get the surgery you have a longer road ahead. And I dont blame AP for getting it done.

“It’s gotten too popular”

Oh is this going to be the start of the coordinated effort for the Clinton campaign to get back the millennial vote? Her speech today is going to be her begging for their vote, as if she is something to offer besides student loan forgiveness.

Desperation is a stinky, stinky cologne.

Whew! Ok. Thank God for Squid, it’s all a numbers game. He’s willing to tolerate a couple thousands deaths until he considers himself scared! Whata tough guy. Forget the people who actually get killed or maimed, because for Squid that shit doesn’t affect him, just a drop in the ollld bucket. Those people are just

the FBI concluded that Omar Mateen had no connection to the gay community. But keep fucking that chicken.

Now playing

Surprised we didn’t get the “Power through” meme.

Nah fuck you, if you want to send a message, then dont play for team USA, shit make it a public spectacle. Anything other than that is a scumbag move. Get fucked ya soft bitch.

if you choose to play for team USA, choosing to represent your country, you’re a raging hypocrite and likely scumbag if you don’t stand.

maybe because of the attacks on beach goers by muslims that’s been happening.

Here is one example.

Don’t confuse being outspoken with being a verifiable psycho.

Yea quite frankly, I don’t care. Havent we learned already that keeping these dictators in power is an effective way of keeping the countries stable? So the Russians want to keep Assad in power, put boots on the ground and kick the shit out of ISIS. I say Godspeed to them.

Lol, but Lois Lerner, and Hilary’s IT guy pleading the 5th isn’t indicative of guilt either right?

Audi RS6