
A badly designed fighter plane that cost the military billions and is incredibly vulnerable. Thank God that does not happen in real life.

A million dollars to whoever can tell me where that quote came from !!!

We’re going to be powered by bullshit from Washington???? Hooray, we just solved our energy problem !!!!

You said “Beaver” and “Wet”

So every 80s horror movie was a rip off of Halloween ?

I pay for cable TV because MY MOM !!!! Also, when you’re drunk and just want to channel surf streaming does not cut it.

Yes Yes and Yes !!!! Please keep it crazy and silly fun, do not go “Christopher Nolan” on me !!

I agree 100%, aside from the science, benefits to mankind, and survival of the species space exploration is pretty cool !!!

Is there a sexy Supreme Court Justice costume ?

Ok, Gotham, you got me where I’ll watch season 2

They missed one frame

You know what that island is missing ???

I remember the final resolution of the movie and or tv series was the the invasion was going to happen. Am I wrong (I was only 15 when the final season)

Too Soon ?

Law and Order 2050..... Nothing innovative, CANCEL IT !!!!

Why not merge the XXX storyline with Fast and Furious. Retro-boot the story and make Vins character from F+F start working for the government full time. Then you can make him as a “younger/american james bond type” to compete with borne and 007 franchises ??

Looks like a “V” type scenario, So i’m guessing aliens.

I think he was on CBS on some sort of spy show that got cancelled pretty quickly.

So are those flights to Mars ready ?

Wake Up sheeple !!!!